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Baby Birth/Dedication

Celebration Of Birth

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3

We would love to celebrate with you on the birth of your new born. Please fill out our form below and someone will contact you as soon as possible.

Baby Birth Announcement

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Baby Dedication

At Love Life Ministries, we have baby dedications to allow parents the opportunity to publicly join in a covenant with God, their children and our church family. Baby dedications are essentially committing yourself as parents to follow Jesus, to model the Christian life and shepherd their children to know and love Jesus. Baby dedications should not be viewed as a replacement for baptism – we pray your children will develop a relationship with Christ and, at some point, choose to get baptized. Nor is it a magical means of salvation/protection for your child. Baby dedication is simply an outward act of the parents’ inward commitment to raising their child in the fear ad admonition of the Lord.

More about Baby Dedication

Congratulations on your desire to dedicate your child to the Lord! Our church is eager to assist you in this important matter. Baby Dedication ceremonies are usually conducted on the 3nd & 4th Sunday of each month.


Due to the spiritual nature of the questions asked during the Baby Dedication Ceremony, it is helpful for the Pastoral Team to understand the marital and living situation of both parents. Therefore, an appointment with Pastor Griffin is essential. Such a meeting is also a time to discuss the meaning of this event, and how a baby dedication is different than an infant baptism.


Once your application is received in the office, someone from the team will call you to schedule an appointment with you. After a face-to-face meeting, they will let the office know and the dedication will be confirmed.


During the morning worship service, one pew will be reserved for each family having a baby dedicated. At the appropriate time in the worship experience, Pastor Griffin will invite parents, family, godparents and the child being dedicated to come to the front of the church to begin the Baby Dedication Ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony, a Certificate of Dedication will be presented to the parents.


IMPORTANT: All requests must be done only through the online form.

If you wish to have your child dedicated to the Lord, please click the link and fill out our form.

Is at least one parent a part of a ministry at Love Life Ministries? This is not a condition for baby dedication

Due to the spiritual nature of the questions asked during the Baby Dedication Ceremony, it is helpful for the Pastoral Team to understand the marital and living situation of both parents.

Which of the following best describes the parents’ marital and living situation?
Who will participate in the ceremony?

Thanks for submitting!

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